Saturday, September 27, 2008


La fac… en fait c’est comme la prépa, y a des cours interessants et d’autres pas. Le top trois des cours interessants: - Comparaison des langues étrangères… - La civilisation, peut-etre parce que le prochain cours magistral portera sur Elizbeth I, choses que malheureusement, nous connaissons fort bien! -les cours d’Essay-writing, ou on apprend à écrire anglais.That’s why, for now, I’m going to write in english I guess it’s not a problem because the people who come here, are mostly English-speaker/hearer. (I don't think this word exists, but I don't really care.) Where was I? (on my bed I know…lol) oh, yeah! I can also make a top 3 of the most boring lessons: -grammar -grammar -linguistics. Mwahahahahahah. Literature also is quite boring. Well I'm not here to speak about my lessons. I have to tell you something. It's what I -almost-did last week-end. I invited friends to my home, there were Emma, Elisa, and maybe Aliénor, Jeanne and Adèle and others. I only remember Emma and Elisa. They were stuck to the TV and didn't pay attention to me who was the queen of the night because I invited all of them. Filles ingrates Even my screams couldn't change their attitude. And yet, my screams should have made them look at me. It was one of the favourite scream of Emma. But then, no. It was as if Emma and Elisa were blind and death. Quite strange. I understood later what was happening. They were watching a film, but not a common film, no, no, a magic film. As in films. They were condemned to watch all the movie until the end. They couldn't watch somewhere else than the TV. Poor them. The film lasted fourty-four hours. When we understood this, we immediately bring them some food and drink, but also bucket so that they could pee in it… ahahah! It was their fault. They should have paid more attention to me and less to the TV. Sometimes, life seems fair.

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